loss ratio 損害率〔保險公司在某一時期中支付的賠償費在收入保險費中所...
損害率〔保險公司在某一時期中支付的賠償費在收入保險費中所占比率〕。 “loss“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.喪失;丟失,遺失。 2.減損,損失,虧損(額) ...“ratio“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. ratios) 1.比,比率,比值;比例 ...“actual loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 實際損失率“clr cell loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 信元丟失比率“combat loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 相對戰斗損失“customer loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 顧客損失率“excess of loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 賠付率超賠分保“excess of loss ratio cover“ 中文翻譯: 超額損失率再保險“excess of loss ratio reinsurance“ 中文翻譯: 超額損失率再保險“excess-of-loss ratio cover“ 中文翻譯: 超額損失率保障“fleet loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 船隊滅失率“loss of aspect ratio“ 中文翻譯: 縱橫比損失“loss ratio method“ 中文翻譯: 遞減比法“maximum cell loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 信元丟失率“ore loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 礦石損失率“packet loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 丟包率“power loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 功率損耗系數“profit and loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 損益比率“profit and loss sharing ratio“ 中文翻譯: 損益分配率; 盈虧分配率“profit-loss sharing ratio“ 中文翻譯: 盈虧分配比率“total-pressure loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 總壓損失系數“weight loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 重量損耗率“weight-loss ratio“ 中文翻譯: 減重率;失重率; 失重率“excess of loss ratio reinsurance treaty“ 中文翻譯: 超額賠款率合約再保險; 超額損失率分保合同“excess of loss ratio treaty reinsurance“ 中文翻譯: 超額損失率合約再保險
lossmaker |
The center government offers billions of rmb to the grain deports in order to managing storage well . but plenty of storage still was attainted because of the ill management . the stored - grain loss is very serious calculated by the current 0 . 2 % loss ratio in the national grain deports 為了確保糧食的安全儲藏,每年國家用于糧食儲備方面的補貼費用就有數百億元,但仍有不少糧食因管理決策不善等原因而遭受損失,其中,國庫儲糧損失率在0 . 2左右,損失十分驚人,而蟲害是主要因素之一。 |
We chose suitable tcp throughput model to estimate the available bandwidth correctly , using the estimated round trip time and packet loss ratio for the next time interval as parameters of the model to achive the accuracy of estimated network bandwidth . as the observed losses and round trip time vary very dynamically , adjust the sending rate equivalent to the amount of tcp throughput may result in a rather fluctuant sending rate . so we present a rate adjustment like tcp congestion control based on aimd , which increases its sending rate by an additive inereease rate 根據mpeg4視頻流應用的特點,選擇合適的吞吐量模型,進行合理的參數估計,并根據計算出的帶寬進行相應的速率調整來實現擁塞控制,我們使用未來rtt的估計值和分組丟失率的估計值作為吞吐量模型的參數,增強了控制的實時性,弱化了業務的振蕩性,提高了帶寬預測的準確性;在進行速率調整時,不是簡單地將發送速率調整到與tcp吞吐量模型一致,而是采用類似tcp的aimd策略來調節發送速率,減小了發送速率的振蕩性。 |
The results showed that there was notable effect of soybean protein on the frozen dumpling quality , and it was different to the different ( lines ) wheat flour ; after adding appropriate amount of soybean protein , the cracking ratio of frozen dumpling and loss ratio of boiled dumpling of shan 168 , pubing 143 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981 wheat flour dumpling both fell at different degrees , but the cracking ratio of frozen dumpling and loss ratio of boiled dumpling of 3 - 2 wheat flour dumpling increased ; after adding soybean protein , the frozen and boiled appearance , eating sense , boiled and dumpling soup character of 3 - 2 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981 wheat flour dumpling were improved , but the eating sense of shan 168 and the soup character of pubing 143 wheat flour dumpling were not affected , but other sensory indexes were obviously improved 結果表明,大豆蛋白對冷凍水餃質量有顯著影響,對不同品種(系)小麥粉水餃的影響不同;添加適量大豆蛋白,可使陜168 ,普冰143 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981小麥粉水餃的凍裂率和烹煮損失率有不同程度的降低,但使3 - 2小麥粉水餃的凍裂率和烹煮損失率升高;添加大豆蛋白能明顯改善3 - 2 , 31 - 1 - 12 , 981小麥粉水餃冷凍后和煮后外觀、口感、耐煮性及餃子湯特征;添加大豆蛋白雖對陜168水餃口感和普冰143水餃湯特征無明顯影響,但可明顯改善其他感官指標。 |
With the social and economic development and changing , china ' s joining the wto in particular , the environment in which the insurance operating changes greatly . the fluctuation of interest rate , rise of loss ratio , development of capital market and competence of international insurance magnate , all of these make insurance investment necessary and important to china ' s insurance company . in facing the competition , insurance companies now attach a great importance to insurance investment strategy 我國保險業經過近20年的發展取得了長足的進步,保險公司積累了大量的可以運用的資金,隨著我國經濟環境的改變和保險業的對外開放尤其是我國加入世貿組織,保險業的經營環境發生了根本變化,我國保險賠付率的上升、銀行利率的變化、資本市場的發展、國外保險巨頭的競爭以及投保人要求的提高,使得保險基金投資對我國保險公司的生存和發展具有越來越重要的意義,良好的投資收益成為保險公司贏得競爭的最重要環節。 |
Through statistic analysis of loss ratio in certain season in certain insurance corporation , conclusion could be drawn that it is essential for domestic car insurance industry to change minds , establish a new developmental strategy , strengthen management , learn from experiences of developed countries , keep pace with national economic development , and perfect service of all sectors in car insurance 摘要文中通過對某保險公司某季度賠付情況統計分析,得出轉變觀念、建立新的車險業務發展戰略,加強車險經營管理及借鑒發達國家經驗與國家經濟發展保持同步,完善保險各方面服務對國內保險行業走很必要的。 |
Moreover , special aspects of self - similar traffic are summarized . for long - range dependent traffic , two prediction models are given and discussed the prediction results can be applied to reduce loss ratio in allocation of memories in network nodes . the first model is farima ( fractional autoregressive integrated moving average ) 根據自相似業務流的長相關特性,本文重點討論了兩種數學模型,目的是用這兩種模型對自相似業務流進行預測,進而根據預測結果對計算機網絡節點的存儲器資源進行合理的分配,使得丟失率達到最小。 |
The results of this part of the study show that the supersonic separator has a satisfactory dehydration performance without any need of external mechanical power and chemicals . the influences of pressure loss ratio on its dehydration performance were also studied . it is well indicated by the results that the pressure loss ratio is a key factor that determines the dehydration performance of the supersonic separator , increasing pressure loss ratio usually improves its separation performance 如果要獲得較低的干氣出口露點或較大的露點降,那么必須以犧牲一部分初始壓力作為代價;保持超音速分離管入口流量為臨界流量是保證超音速分離管具有良好氣液分離性能的必要條件;壓損比、激波產生的位置是影響超音速分離管工作性能的關鍵。 |
We import a lowpass filter to smooth the loss ratio , adjust sending rate according to the smoothed result . we present an adaptive low threshold scheme regulating the low threshold according to the history record of sending rate adjustment to utilize efficiently the network bandwidth , and reduce the oscillation of sending rate . we find that such a rate adjustment can shorten congestion period and reduce packet loss 為使發送端在網絡負載處于低載狀態時,能迅速地提高碼率,充分利用網絡帶寬,同時對網絡當前的負載狀況又不過于敏感,避免出現“振蕩調節服務質量”的情況,本文提出了一種自適應下門限調節方案,根據歷史記錄動態調節下門限值,使整個傳輸過程既能充分利用帶寬又不引起網絡擁塞,從而減小時延,降低丟包率,同時減小了發送速率的振蕩性。 |
Under cold stress condition , cold hardiness of 12 vitis species including 45 lines ( cultivars ) was identified based on the leakage of electrolytes , water loss ratio and percentage of bud bursting on the stem and estimated the hardiness resistance of 12 v . species by the average of subordinate function ( sf ) 摘要在冷凍脅迫條件下,測定了葡萄屬12個種45個株系枝條的膜透性變化、含水量動態變化及萌芽能力3項指標,并以種內不同株系間3項指標的平均值綜合評價了12個種的抗寒性。 |
But there exist lots of challenges in streaming media transmission currently . firstly , the bandwidth is insufficient for streaming media transmission , because most bandwidths of end users are very limited . secondly , the current best - effort internet cannot satisfy any qos ( quality of service ) guarantees , considering the delay , jitter , package error ratio , package loss ratio , smoothing , etc . all of the pending issues make streaming media transmission control a research hotspot nowadays 然而目前流媒體傳輸卻存在很多問題,首先是網絡帶寬不能充分滿足流媒體傳輸的要求,雖然主干網絡的帶寬非常大,但是有相當部分的終端用戶的接入速率還是比較低;其次是目前internet “盡力而為”的服務模式不能滿足流媒體傳輸的服務質量保證,例如時延、抖動、誤碼率、丟包率和平滑性等。 |
The main contributions of the thesis are : ( 1 ) we present an end - to - end transport architecture using the rtp / udp / ip protocol stack and employ an efficient and robust packetization algorithm for mpeg - 4 video bit - streams at the sync layer for internet transport . ( 2 ) we study the congestion control mechanism based on aimd algorithm , and make improvement in order to reduce the oscillation of transimition rate due to tremendous contrast of packet loss ratio caused by dynamical change of the network load 論文的主要貢獻在于:提出了基于rtp的mpeg - 4視頻傳輸模型并充分利用mpeg - 4的videoobjectplane ( vop )特性,采用適用于mpeg - 4視頻傳輸的rw載荷格式及組包算法,同時具有傳輸的高效性和丟包的魯棒性。 |
From the end - to - end perspective , continuous media applications require good qos support which involves communication latency , transmission bandwidth and data loss ratio etc . however , protocols in current continuous media applications are not tcp - friendly ( there is unfairness among protocols ) 目前因特網上的實時流媒體(視頻、音頻)應用一直呈快速增長趨勢。從端到端的角度考慮,這些應用中的通訊延時、傳輸帶寬和數據丟失等性能指標需要良好的qos支持。 |
During the process of foundry charging mixing . the information of loss ratio and consistent chemical composition have been considered which can aid technologists to get the minimum cost mixing schedule for the foundry charging mixing 該系統使用方便,在配比過程考慮到了元素的燒損,這樣一方面實現了準確的爐料配比,另一方面在保證化學成分在控制要求的條件下實現了成本的最低化對實際的鑄件生產有著重要的作用。 |
The letter states : “ as time progresses , we believe theft rates will decline for marked models , which should have the resultant impact on loss ratios , and therefore allow an alleviation on premium rates , in particular for the theft component 信中陳述? “當時間持續進行,我們相信已標識的車型失竊率將下降,這應該對損失賠付率有影響,因此會使保險費率降低,尤其是失竊的條款。 |
Abstract : by comparing our long jumpers with foreign athletes , the author thinks that the only way to improve the performance of long jump is to increase the ho rizontal velocity and decrease the loss ratio of velocity 文摘:通過對中外跳遠運動員的對比分析發現,中國運動員只有在加大水平速度的同時,進一步減少其速度的損失率才能更有效地提高跳遠成績。 |
It is expected that an end - system that adapts its traffic in accordance with the feedback will experience a low cell loss ratio and obtain a fair share of the available bandwidth according to a network specific allocation policy 我們希望有一種與反饋相一致并適應傳輸業務的端系統能夠承受低信元丟失率,并且根據網絡特殊的分配原則公平的分享可用帶寬。 |
Sending rate could be adjusted according to the rate scheme in the end host . simulations showed that etcc can adjust sending rate smoothly , decrease delay and packet loss ratio while maintaining good tcp - friendliness 仿真實驗表明etcc機制可以在保證tcp友好的前提下平滑調節多媒體流的發送速率,同時降低網絡的延時和丟包率。 |
The queueing problems of cbr traffic in atm networks are analyzed . simple closed expressions of the upper bound on the cell loss ratio ( clr ) and mean cell delay in a finite buffer system are derived 分析了atm網絡cbk業務排隊性能,給出了一種簡單的計算cbr業務信元丟失率上界和信元平均時延的解析表達式。 |
The set - up of prediction model and its application in real network traffic are very important in the researches of bandwidth allocation , discarding methods , and loss ratio reducing 建立預測模型及根據模型進行預測,對于網絡帶寬資源的分配、改進網絡中緩沖區的丟棄算法、減小丟失率都具有十分重要的意義。 |